Once upon a time when my kids were little, I would introduce a new vegetable🥕 and they would pout and make a weird expression. So we made a deal. They have to try each new veggie or dish 3 times before labeling it as “distasteful”. Gradually, the number of likable veggies kept growing, and now that my little ones are grown up let me tell you their version of this story. Recently when they were talking to their little cousins who were reluctant to try new food, I heard them say, “You know what my mom used to tell us, TRY IT TILL YOU LIKE IT and we started liking it!” Knock on wood, this pact worked for me and we are now a veggie-loving family! The other day my kids actually asked for stir fried veggies for dinner😍
We all know the superior and unique 💜 phytonutrients each vegetable has, apart from loads of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Simply incredible! Let’s tap into these resourceful, functional foods… These phytonutrients in vegetables are natural immune boosters and a must in these times when a daily approach to a robust immunity is no longer an option, but a must! Three cheers to immune-boosting veggie power👊🏼