To GUT health and beyond

To GUT health and beyond

We recently came back from an international trip (first family trip post pandemic) and unlike other times where I would be concerned about eating outside and worried about digestive health, I am happy to share that all of us did great. No gut concerns… And a big thanks goes to the power of PROBIOTICS that…

Intermittent Fasting - Fad or secret to Healthy Aging

Intermittent Fasting: Fad or Best-kept Secret to Healthy Aging?

Eating in a certain window of the day or week a.k.a intermittent fasting has been a consistent buzzword within the health and fitness world. There are claims for it to help with weight loss, overcome metabolic imbalances and improve health overall.One thing to keep in mind is like everything else there is no one size fits all…

“How to Get Off Sugar?”

“How to Get Off Sugar?”

Do we really need to get off all sources of sugar? If you understand what is a carbohydrate and how it is absorbed in our body and identify the naturally occurring- great sources of carbohydrates, we probably can incorporate those good sources and remove the processed sources of carbohydrates/sugar. That was the purpose of workshop….