Actionable solutions to get rid of pesky Pandemic Pounds! (Part 2 of 7) 

Actionable solutions to get rid of pesky Pandemic Pounds! (Part 2 of 7) 

Welcome to week 2 of our 7-week program! In this series, we are focusing on the 7 nutrition and lifestyle factors that are the usual (and hidden) culprits behind pandemic pounds. Today, in part 2 let’s uncover some facts, myths, studies, and talk about all things “Grains”. Food for thought! I ask my vegetarian clients…

Weight Loss Success Story

Julia’s Weight Loss Success Story

Traditionally prevalent belief is that–“weight gain causes health problems”. And so the traditional weight loss approach calls for increased physical activity or restricting caloric intake by following calories in, calories out formula. However, for most people, sustainable weight loss is anything but a simple formula because the human body is complex, and each person is…